Eulogies – my thoughts:

Eulogies – my thoughts:
The Cambridge Dictionary defines a eulogy as: a speech, piece of writing, poem, etc. containing great praise, especially for someone who recently died or retired from work. I took great pride in writing Ben’s eulogy and loved that it gave people a better understanding of who he was. He was also spoken about by his eldest daughter and one of his closest friends. We did him proud, of that I’m sure.
I’ve been to a few funerals since and listened to my brother’s eulogy to my dad. Every eulogy has made me laugh, cry, nod along in agreement and think…they made me think that the person that should be hearing all these amazing things the most is the one person that is no longer here. It made me question whether I had said all the things I wanted to when they were alive. Did I thank Em for being an amazing support after Ben died, turning up to my house just to give me a hug at the front door before she went to work? Did I tell Catherine how much I appreciated all that she did for the school? Did Dad know that I loved him as much as I did? Do I regret not saying more?
So, here are a few things I think about that are easy to do, this list is not exhaustive:
💗Say “I love you”
💗If someone is kind, don’t take it for granted or take advantage of that kindness – thank them and pay it forward
💗Say “I love you”
💗If someone is selfless, always running around after you/others, then do something for them to show they are appreciated
💗Say “I love you”
💗Pay compliments
💗Say “I love you”
💗Return favours even though they won’t be expected
💗Say “I love you”
💗Send your friend, who you haven’t spoken to in a while, a message to say you’re thinking about them (see photo, we do this often)
💗Say “I love you”
💗 Congratulate people on their achievements, however big or small
💗Say “I love you”
💗 Support and encourage people and let them know you are there for them
💗Say “I love you”
💗Like or comment on a post your friend has put on social media to remind them that you’re in their thoughts
💗Say “I love you”
💗Don’t wait for people to ask for help, if you see them struggling reach out!
💗Say “I love you”
Don’t leave it until it’s too late to say the things you want to say and do the things you keep putting off.
Above all, never pass on the chance to say “I love you” because tomorrow is never promised.
If you feel emotional pain from not telling someone how you felt, whatever your loss, please get in touch.